All the resources and tools mentioned in the book are available below. Just make a copy and you'll be able to use and edit each resource.

I hope you found the book and these resources helpful, and I'd love to hear how your lemonade stand goes! Just send me a note at with your stories, or questions you have.

One Huge Favor

My goal is to get this book into the hands of as many kids and families as possible. One of the most important ways that happens is throuhg reviews. If you got value out of this book it would be amazing if you left a quick review on Amazon. It takes less than a minute and helps me tremendously.

  • Visit the Amazon page here.
  • Scroll down to the Customer Reviews section of the page.
  • Click on "Write a customer review".
  • Join the Facebook Group

    The private Facebook group is a place for families to share ideas and get advice on their own lemoande stands. Access is free - you can join here.

    Templates and Worksheets