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Building Better Lives

Career Development

How to make any resume better

Six suggestions for dramatically improving most over-scrutinized piece of personal marketing.

Why you should work for free

Why not getting paid is a great way to get paid.

Why you can't be anything you want to be

Why what you were told about work and life was probably a lie, and what you should do instead.

Don't get an internship. Start a business.

The three essential skills you learn from entrepreneurship that you can’t learn from a traditional internship.

Microvation and the radical transformation of your job

Why small innovations well executed can change your life.

How to be irreplaceable: replace yourself

Why you don’t want to be the only person in the company who does what you do.

The career ladder isn't in the office

A dirty secret about getting ahead: half of it is about what you do when you’re not at the office.

The power of framework thinking

How to leverage the tools of million-dollar consultants to skyrocket your career (with 7 sample frameworks you can use today.)

How to become a mentor

You have something valuable to offer people. Here’s how to do it.

The day you stop being curious is the day your career dies

The importance of creating and maintaining a creative habit.

You're not working hard enough.

11 ways to bring your A-Game to work (and life).

How ANYONE can make insanely better slides

Great presentation making skills can be an incredible force multiplier in your career. Here’s how to make them well.

5/25/150: The Secret of the Best Networker I Ever Met

How a simple spreadsheet will make you the most connected person in town.

Want to Get Ahead? Start Playing Politics.

21 Ways to Become The Most Effective Person in Your Company.

13 ways to turn your career into an f-ing rocket ship

There are no silver bullets. But these are close.

The Incredible Power of Working for Free

What almost nobody understands about the work for free debate, and why I think you should ABSOLUTELY do it.

The Career Flywheel: 4 Steps to Runaway Career Growth

Don’t build a career ladder. Create a flywheel that builds momentum to dramatically propel you forward. Here’s how.